About Indonesian Maritime

Indonesia is a maritime nation

The State of Indonesia is a country consisting of tens of thousands of islands which can also be called an archipelagic state.

The word Archipelago is often interpreted as "Islands" that actually there is a fundamental difference in understanding between the islands and archipelago.

The word archipelago itself means a collection of islands, while the term Archipelago comes from the Latin language, namely Archipelagus which consists of two words namely Archi which means sea and pelagus which means the main so that the real meaning is the Main Sea.

As a maritime country, Indonesia not only has one main sea, but three which in the XIV and XV centuries were commercial zones in Southeast Asia, namely the Banda Sea, the Java Sea and the Flores Sea, where all three were the most promising water zones.

Since the Early Kingdom Period in Indonesia, marine life in Indonesia has been very fundamental. Because Indonesia is an area of ​​the archipelago that requires the sea to access inter-regional areas.

The marine fleet owned by the Kingdoms such as Srivijaya, Majapahit, and even Demak cannot be underestimated, as a maritime kingdom, they are very instrumental in trade that covers the regions of Indonesia, even abroad and are highly respected as stated in the notes of the traders and messengers from China or from Arabic.

Maritime history has a relatively large correlation with the history of the archipelago. Because the archipelago region developed from the maritime sector.

The majority of maritime kingdoms in the archipelago show that the life of our ancestors is very dependent on the maritime sector.

Both in terms of inter-island shipping, utilization of marine natural resources, to trade by sea with traders from other regions as well as traders from foreign countries.
